Welcome to our group

We study complex nonlinear phenomena in fluid mechanics. Our main focus is ocean waves dynamics and transport processes in upper ocean layer. We also study heat and mass exchange in strongly turbulent flows.

Our aim is to bring together analytical, numerical and experimental efforts to shed light on complicated and yet not understood nonlinear phenomena in fluid mechanics. Pursuing fundamental research we always keep in mind its positive implications on innovative engineering developments.

Research interests:

  • Surface gravity water waves dynamics.
    We employ mathematical simplifications (flow potentiality, order analysis, etc.) to gain a better understanding of physics.
  • Multiphase phenomena in upper ocean layer: ocean-atmosphere interactions.
    High-performance parallel computing with in-house and open-source codes written in C++ / Python.
  • Nonlinear interaction of water waves with submerged solids.
    Anatytical and numerical studies of water waves impact on engineerign structures.
  • Turbulence modeling.
    Development of semi-empirical turbulence models with their consequent calibration.
  • We are also open to new challenges